Jun 25, 2019 | News, Products
Many professionals recognize the difficulty in identifying temperature inversions since so many factors contribute to their formation and stability. We designed our SpotOn® Inversion Tester to aid in solving that issue. WHAT IS THE SPOTON® INVERSION TESTER FOR?...Feb 12, 2019 | News, Products
Have you checked out Prairie Farmer lately? If so, you might have seen the feature on our SpotOn® Inversion Tester. We are so excited to see it reviewed, a huge thank you to Tom Bechman for the piece. “If you spray the newest dicamba herbicides on Xtend...Feb 6, 2019 | News, Products
SAFELY APPLY DICAMBA APPLICATIONS THIS YEAR We designed our SpotOn® Inversion Tester to aid in identifying the proper time to apply herbicides such as dicamba. While dicamba is a great solution for ridding your fields of certain broad-leafed weeds, ultra low...